
In our daily actions

In the same way that we aim for zero defects, we are working towards 0 paper, 0 waste and closed-loop recycling of our cutting oils.

These actions are just a few examples of our ecological approach, which aims to limit the impact of our production and our work tools on the environment.

Recovered waste in 2024


hazardous waste


non-hazardous waste

excluding metals

Concerned about the impact of our production on our employees and our planet

We extract dust from our workshops and recycle oil.

We are reducing our energy consumption thanks to a passive energy building for our head office in France.

We are driving towards more responsible and virtuous behaviour

Carbon footprint, ISO 14001 certification, Coq Vert label, recharging points for hybrid or electric vehicles and provision of a hybrid fleet for company vehicles, reduction of paper printing with the badge printer, water fountains and distribution of water bottles to limit the use of plastic bottles and cups.

In Herscheid

An employee who is a beekeeper looks after the hives on our site and produces honey.

Reducing our impact, whatever the cost

This is what we are committed to doing on a daily basis and by reflecting on our transformation for a sustainable future