Join the adventure

Why join us

Being a responsible employer also means offering good working conditions to our employees. We promote gender equality, encourage dialogue and develop participative environments where everyone can express themselves.


projects supported over the last 5 years

92 %

gender index 2024

93 %

employee energy rate in 2022

Harmonie Mutuelle balanced programme (compared with 86% on average in Europe)

Our parent company

based in Lesménils near Pont-à-Mousson in Lorraine

Since the company was founded in 1984, it has been home to GrisGroup’s centres of responsibility.

From purchasing and HR to quality management and communications, all our business lines are represented here.

The production workshop, the focal point of our technical expertise, is the heart of our industrial activity: high-speed cold stamping of metal parts for the automotive, retail and construction industries.

A second industrial site

at Herscheid in Germany

It accounts for a significant proportion of our production of similar or complementary products, and also employs administrative staff.

« At GrisGroup, we like to work in a collaborative and participative mode, with a view to the well-being of our teams and the performance of our customers. I’m committed to the humanist heritage that has been passed on to me, by instilling a vision that is optimistic and realistic, demanding and proactive. »

Convinced that no single player can meet the challenges of tomorrow…

…we rely on experts to certify our actions and we recruit team members who are motivated by everyday challenges.

« At GrisGroup, we are convinced that companies must face up to new societal and environmental challenges. That’s why we’re committed to transforming our business model. »

« At GrisGroup, we support parents of children with disabilities and women suffering from endometriosis. In short, we promote well-being in the workplace by combining economic performance with empathy. »

« At GrisGroup, we regularly communicate the Group’s progress and projects to our teams. The Kaizen system enables us to feed back good ideas, implement them and reward them. »

« At GrisGroup, we put in place collective actions to unite teams around local causes and simple, friendly internal actions that contribute to good humour (Easter chocolates, sweets for Halloween, inter-company sports competitions). »

Our innovations are essential…

…in personal safety and transport, for example.

We are proud to help serve demanding European customers…

…and to be part of an ambitious industrial family saga in which every player has a role to play.

What if you were to become

one of our key factors ?