General conditions of use

By using this website you implicitly accept the general conditions and attendant warnings.

You hereby undertake not to use this site for any purposes that are either illicit or proscribed by law or by copyright or by other contractual terms and conditions.

This site is the property of Gris Découpage

S.A.S – Société Anonyme Simplifiée au capital de 4 811 600€

Zone d’Activité de la Louvière – 54700

Tél. +33(0)3 83 80 8000
Fax : +33(0)3 83 80 8020
Email :

R.C. NANCY  328 101 019
NAF 2594Z
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Site designed by Billiotte & Co

SARL au capital de 25 000 €
RCS Nancy B 402 328 421

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Tél. 03 83 17 64 64
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Siret : 790 388 466 000 27

To contact the WebMaster

If you have noted an anomaly or wish to contact the main manager of the site, please contact:

Céline GRIS – CEO



All duplication, representation, modification, publication, transmission, misappropriation, in full or in part of this site and the content thereof, by any process and on any medium whatsoever is forbidden.

Any unauthorised use of the site or the content thereof, or of the information disclosed herein shall incur the liability of the user and shall be deemed to constitute an infringement under the terms of articles L 335-2 and thereafter of French Intellectual Property Law (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle).

Brand and Intellectual property

Gris Découpage is a registered trademark, as are the product brands TREP® and TREP INOX®, and the NICOLLE® brand. Any duplication or total or partial representation of this brand, whether singly or in association with other items, without the prior express authorisation of GRIS DÉCOUPAGE is forbidden and shall incur the liability of the user thereof under the terms of articles L 713-2 and L 713-3 of French Intellectual Property Law (Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle).

The general structure, texts, photographs, icons, images and other items that make up the Gris Découpage website are protected and are governed by French copyright and intellectual property legislation. All duplication rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents (commercial brochures, technical documentation, etc.).

Hypertext links

The website enables access to other sites via hypertext links. GRIS DÉCOUPAGE does not manage these sites and is consequently not in a position to control their content. Consequently, GRIS DÉCOUPAGE can in no event be held responsible for the content of the sites thus accessed, or for any collection or transmission of personal data, the installation of cookies or any other process with a like purpose implemented by these sites.

Any public or private website is entitled to create a link to the website subject to the following conditions:

Errors or omissions

The companies named in this website are asked to notify Gris Découpage by mail or e-mail in the event of a change of address or contact details.

Collection and processing of personal data

Under the terms of the law of 6 January 1978 relative to information technology, files and civil liberties, users are informed that the information communicated by them through the forms presented on the site is required by Gris Découpage in order to address their request, and is intended for the sole use of Gris Découpage, which undertakes not to transmit such information to a third party. Users are informed that they have the right to access and rectify the data concerning them. To exercise this right they are invited to write to Gris Découpage – ZA de la Louvière 54700 LESMÉNILS, France, or fill in our contact request form. Users who no longer wish to be contacted by Gris Découpage should make this known to the company Gris Découpage.